Becoz of Saturday.....

by - September 17, 2011

Can you believe I am working on Saturday? I went for work just like another day but at the end of the day my Saturday mood flap over… My mind is heavy with so many ‘junks’… I don’t literally mean the junk food here but I am talking about unwanted tension which is hovering and not letting me concentrate on my work.
Like they say ‘life is full of struggle, you fight to learn and live or else you miss the chance’… and so I am trying to take the chance, living life on Saturday..???(I
I am glad this gives me the privilege to visit my blog again which I have not been doing for quite sometime. I know many things have happened during this period….. Struggle with several problems, fight with myself, got completely broke, left job, wait and hope for day break, caught in the rain, weight gained and so on. Gradually by God grace life becomes better and I am glad I forgot to drop by in this blog. I wish to remember only the good days and hence my blog will have more sweet days than sad days…:)
Its 5:10 pm now and I will be leaving my work place soon :),,,,,,,,, I am gonna have a hectic days next week but I am looking forward to make it interesting. Monday I’ll start with my favorite song, Tuesday I am gonna take a nice walk, Wednesday I’ll have nice treat for myself, Thursday I am meeting new people, Friday I am gonna make new friends and Saturday and Sunday I am gonna……….. relax and enjoy weekend.

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