Happiness is December

by - December 02, 2013

Rough with a gentle heart. Totally adventuresome biker yet completely well- mannered gentle man. As a rider he has his balance, judgment, and good timing and so does he as a lover. A man who doesn't compromises his personality to make you happy but stand by his opinions, and don't give in too easily showing that he is strong, confident, and have a spine. Protective but always give your space, trust you, and your freedom. A person who has lots of great friends but also gives a special place for your friendship. A boyfriend who doesn't bother to say you are beautiful but makes you feel that you are the most special one. Trust and honesty is what I learned from him. The first thing he remembers in the morning is his coffee but I'm thankful for the coffee which makes him remember me.
It was December when I felt for his love. Now and then as I look back I feel how times flies. It is completely three years since I have been in love with him.
Each day as I go about my routine you slip gently into my thoughts and make me smile. Each night when the world is quiet and still, your memories and the wonderful moments we have shared crowd my mind. The way we met was random but actually, it didn’t randomly happen. There were days when I prayed for someone in my life and I was kind of searching when I found you. I didn't know it could be you until you said 'I love you'. I choose you and I know that I have nothing to regret, because you are the one who taught me to love, to respect, to trust and most of all to stay closer with God. I hope and look forward to God's will in our life.

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