The Woman in me

by - October 06, 2010

When she was young she is a jolly little girl who loves to be around nature, chasing butterflies and talking to small, tiny creatures. She loves singing all the tunes and lyrics which come to her mind, she doesn't care if they heard her...She just loves to sing aloud. She grew up with her cousins and brothers, who chases the running bus in the morning on the way to tuition, climb pillars and trees, joined building camps and collecting fruits, nuts in the jungle. She is considered cute and sweet.
She spends her second phase of life in boarding school. She had the best days of her life, doing all the mischievous things and experiencing the cutest experience with friends. She is one smart student in her class. She was selected as the house captain and then promoted as the assistant school captain. Her favorite teacher was the music teacher who motivates her in many small ways. She starts mingling with different people on her 11 standards. She values each and every person who came into her life. She kissed for the first time from her first boyfriend when she was 15.
She grew up into a very liberal person who loves her freedom, doesn't talk much and doesn't care to pay much attention to the outside world.

She has her interest in historical subjects but poor in mathematic. She starts her career by talking and meeting different people. She learned and mold her surroundings by the influence she gets from friends. She had her first broken-heart when she allows herself to date a guy without her friends' consent. She learned how to cope with the situation from the help of close and dear ones. As the winds of life take her further she lands up in a place where she learned what life is and what it has stored for her.
Life is not just about waking up each day and finding the sun up in the sky, but it's about how you start your day with a smile, no matter how cloudy the day looks, how tight your schedule gonna be, but looking forward to the positive side of life the day gonna bring.

It's not easy when you have nobody to guide you; when your heart goes weak and your faith grows weary, but she always finds her guardian angel around, motivating and guiding her as and when needed. She learns how to struggle and live life up to the best. She is a reserve, calm and takes life as it comes.
The story of 'The Circle with the missing piece' always kindles her. She learned how life would be imperfect without the imperfections she comes across in her day to day life. She met different people who influence her and motivate her in many ways. She chooses very few to be with her, but she loves to listen and be there for every person who needs her.

She has her second broken-heart when she chooses the wrong person without obeying her instinct. From then on, she got the lesson of how to be more conscious to whom to open her heart. She got to learn how to differentiate the genuine and the false. She was healed by a stranger who comes into her life and vanished. A perfect stranger he was and he will be.

Yea that's me and my journey!!
And today after all this up and down of my life, I am a happy single, flying freely waiting for the day when God will send my princes riding on a white horse.
I am a stubborn sweetheart, opens up when only feel secure. I enjoy doing household activities like cooking, cleaning and decorating, they are like meditation to me I get irritated when things are not in place. I love to be myself and don't care what people think about me cause I believe that's none of my business. I am not a shopaholic but I love window shopping, I have many reasons to smile secretly and that's me. Love being me.

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