Thanks Giving

by - November 29, 2010

I am a sheep who strays, from a good shepherd who seeks me when I am lost. A sinner who deserves death, found by a savior who died in my place and sacrifices His life for me.

Last Sunday, my church celebrates 'Thanks Giving Day'. The sermon was indeed wonderful and I am very blessed. To say 'Thank You Lord Jesus' is as easy as verbalizing any words because we have a voice and know how to speak.
But have we ever really thought how much 'Thanks' God deserves from us. He had done so much just for you and me. He is everything and without Him, we are just a dust particle. I am so amazed that regardless of who I am and how I have been, I am always in His priority. And so here, I dedicate this post to my Lord Jesus to say THANK YOU LORD JESUS

for your LOVE.
for all the brand new day in my life.
for my parents and family.
for all my wonderful friends.
for all my FB friends.
for this blog.
for my church leaders.
for my job.
for my life in Delhi.
for my beautiful childhood days.
for my future to come.
for all the answered to my prayers.
for all the unanswered prayers.
for just being me.
for all the people I met.
for all the lessons I learned.
for the smile, you put on my face every day.
for letting me able to say and write "THANK YOU LORD' today, though this is not enough at all.
for all the sad, happy, boring, funny times in my life.
for all the delicious food for a foodie girl like me.
for making me a foodie person.
for all the list that has to go on...

and thank you God for everything and etc I couldn't remember to mention here.
Love you, Lord Jesus.

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  1. i love it. reminds me of the wonderful people there are in this world and how just one word of thanks can be meaninful in so many ways. Much love to you and may the Lord bless you today and always...

  2. Thank you and may the good Lord bless you too.


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