Thank You

by - February 14, 2011

This one goes to my mentor, my teacher. I have a feeling that I was sent to you by God because I need a mentor. And yes, this can be true because God has already plan for each one of us, for each of our life, about whom we will be meeting, when and where.
I am so grateful and thankful for you. I have never come across a person who took so much interest in my career and growth. I somehow feel that you are replacing my dad's responsibility in my life since he is no more with me.
Everyone has weakness in some way or the other which need guidance to improve and advance. You are someone who for the first time told me and assured me to take care of my weakness and help me grow in every possible way.
I don’t know how to find the right word and sentences but all I got to tell you is THANK YOU and may God bless you abundantly.

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