by - February 14, 2011

Sometimes we pretend so much, compare with others endlessly, disguise immensely, a big hypocrite, forget who we are, where we come from.
Sweet to only those who are sweet to us, love only whom we like and vice versa.

If God is one of us, or if he has to bless me /you only when we come to church, read bible. It’s obvious that he will stingily bless us with only few blessing.

But God, my God is not like me or you. He is full of love, mercy and faithfulness.
I am not the sweetest child of God but I am God’s sweetest child, most loved and cared. But I am one of the most spoiled children of God.
If you ask God what I am like! I think I knew what His answer would be –
Aaah she is clumsy, stubborn, lazy, crazy, foodie, funny, boring and blah….blah...blah girl.

“Yes, I am ABIT like that :-p” that’s what my response would be if He look at me for approval.

I am not expressive but today I realized that even if you are not good expressing, one should know what one’s want.
To know what you want, KNOWING YOURSELF is very important. The true joy comes only when you know yourself, and EXCEPT YOURSELF. Love and trust yourself. Each one of us is blessed uniquely with the purpose of being YOU and only you.

Live your own experience and enjoy the journey which is solely about YOU.

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