Sometimes IN life

by - March 15, 2011

The great oak trees that we see were once just some nuts that stood their ground!
Because if we never ‘begin’ we’ll be asking ourselves ‘what ifs’ all our lives…..not knowing! Sometimes it's the journey that's nourishing for our minds (good & bad) than the greater/lesser outcome of that journey!
Eventhough its sometimes disappointing at the end of a journey, we can hold our head high, take a deep breath, pat yourself on yr back and say ‘yes, I lived’ and smile.
The other day i was literally crying because i have to do what I never like to do. I force myself to like it and atleast make a habit. This was what i was taught. Sometimes in life you have to like what you don't like. Accept and like it because there's no other option.
Sometimes in life if you wanna do something good, you gotta do something bad first.
Sometimes in life we must get hurt in order to grow. We must fail in order to know. Sometimes, our visions will clear only after our eyes are washed away with tears.
Sometimes in life you have to think the unthinkable.
Sometimes in life you have to run because you have to walk peacefully tomorrow.
Sometimes in life you have to work and live for the sake others because that is what makes you happy at the end of the day.
Sometimes in life you have to bend low because you have to walk tall. Likewise, People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together."


Accept life and feel good about what you have. Enjoy the good company around you
Be grateful of what God has given and try to give the best all way through…

Smell the roses while passing by, feel the warm sunshine and hum your favorite song while the birds chirps in the groves. Believe in the truth of your heart; treasure the precious company while being apart. And spread smile of love, joy and care to every heart and soul.


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