Waiting for the Promise

by - September 20, 2011

David was anointed to be king of Israel years before he took the throne. As he waited, he served King Saul, and was soon driven to a life of a fugitive as a result of Saul's (unwarranted) jealousy.

Imagine knowing that God had called you to a position of greatness only to have to wait and watch while someone else abused your promised position and power. Imagine the frustration of having to live your life on the run just because someone was jealous about something that you had never done.

David had to endure these things, but through it all, he honored God in the process. He respected "God's anointed", King Saul, and did not lay a hand on him even when David had the chance to kill him. (1 Samuel 24 and 26) David respected Saul's authority and made sure those around him showed proper respect for the King as well.

In spite of knowing that eventually, the throne would be his, David left it up to God as to how and when he would take his destined position.

There are times when we know that God has promised us something great. Yet we mess up or delay our moments of destiny because we take matters into our own hands instead of leaving things up to God. We overstep God's will and try to make things happen on our own when we should have followed the movement of the Holy Spirit.

I know it can be hard to be patient, especially when it seems like we can just reach out and grab our dreams. However, waiting on the time of God and respecting His will in the matter will provide us with the most joy when His plan is fulfilled.

David's love for God and honor of the Father is what established his lasting line of leadership. Because of his respect for the Lord, God gave him the highest honor of having the Redeemer come through his bloodline.

Don't let today's moment become tomorrow's regret. If God gave you the promise, He will make sure that it happens in the best way possible for you. Be patient, follow the Holy Spirit's lead, and have faith. It will come to pass!

Dedicated to all my love ones.
Borrowed from "My Morning Ti'

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