Juhley from Spiti

by - May 25, 2014

Me and three friends had a trip to the spectacular, cold desert landscape of Spiti. We had a great time learning and discovering the creation of our heavenly Father. I was amazed to see the wonderful works of God. The huge mountains, the icy ones, the rocky ones and the sandy ones, they provide an up-close encounter with the Great Mystery. Before such beauty I found myself reduced to silence. It was like standing before the blue ocean or looking up at the night sky and seeing a million stars and the Milky Way. Suddenly, you find how tiny you and your problems are.
I had enjoyed the view, felt the gentle  fresh breeze, touched the beautiful river with crystal clear water, listened to the sounds of the wind whistling, and the rushing and crashing sounds of the river.
One can't help but think of the our God the Creator before this stunning scene.

I came across some of the most polite and humble people living up there. They don't worry about the weather, the food crop and clothing. It reminds me of God our provider who created them provides all their needs. They knows no fears for the cold winter, but they prepare and get ready while the suns is warm and when the days are summer. Life could be harsh and vegetation could be unsuitable for human inhabitants there at times. Yet they are happy, content with life and peaceful, and just so cool. I am grateful that I have met them during this journey.
God is amazing and his creation are amazing too. They are all created with a purpose, that include the morning dew for the dry lands, the sandy plains for the rocky mountains and the icy mountains with the crystal clear river. They are all beautiful and awe-inspiring. God is simply too big, too good, too mysterious, too loving, too truthful and too overwhelming.
I am thankful for the journey I got from my Father that i got to learnt and see many things.
The early morning view from Rekong Peo

Passed through this rocky mountains. The harsh but beautiful rocky mountains recenters you, helps you reclaim your soul and makes you feel more human.

Kaza is one of our destination.
Kaza, the headquarters of Spiti sub-district.
Kaza Surprised us with Khyoma. A restaurant run by a family from Manipur. And not to forget, we had our special Naga Chilli chatni, relishing our appetite after the long drive. 
Ki Monastry was established in the 11th century and is one of the biggest monastery in Spiti Valley.

JOY!! We had a bit of our dance on top of the monastery.

On top of the world, Kibber Village .The highest village in the world which is connected by motorable road and is the highest habituated village in the world.

The family. The dry sandy mountains comes alive with this gentle people around.

      On our way back, we stop for a break enjoying the breath taking views of the mountains.
     "Consider the lilies of the field." "Learn a lesson from the fig tree." "Look at the birds in the sky".  God creation teaches us so many things.
We said goodbye to the mountains.

The Crazy Trip

Hi, i am back from the trip to Ladakh and if you ask me how was it!!! I would say that was a crazy trip. I had seen amazing places and landscape, I crawl my way to the 2nd highest motorable road in the world. Been there and have felt it.. the highness of being at the top of the world. I have felt the snow fall for the first time in my life. Walked on a steep (very very steep) muddy road in the middle of the night using only blurry shimmering light from mobile phone. Seen all those romantic and amazing places which you saw only in postcard and movies. The rivers with crystal clear water, the green pasture with the black beauty horses grazing, snowy mountains and those beautiful wild flowers were some of the views which still remain in my mind today and will remain forever. Leh will serve you a very limited non-vegs meal. And so for super non-vegetarian like us we missed so badly,  I have never felt such a huge craving for pork and bamboo shoot in my life like i did there in Leh. We started our journey on 28th Tuesday night, reached Manali on the next day at around 11:30 am and set off for Leh through Rotang Pass at 2:00pm. We got stuck at Rotang for 6 hrs in the middle of the night because of land slide, and reach Leh on 30th Thursday evening 9:00 pm. According to what we planned, we were suppose to reach in the morning however all the scary and crazy experience in this journey is worth messing up our plan.

We spend two nights and two days at Leh, visit Shanti Stupa, Pangong Lake and drive around the city. It was one of the most tiresome yet crazy experience I ever had. I am glad I have visited one of 'my Dream Place to visit'. Now I checked Leh and next target is Daman and Diu.

PS: The crazy gang - Azei, Injiana, Gaigun, Asana, Tingku and Suai.

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  1. That was a nice write-up and the pictures were beautiful!

  2. Oh Thank you so much for your comment apuilau Azei. Visit su dat dat pu o. :)


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