He expect opportunity to bless

by - June 14, 2014

Isaiah 30:18 Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you; He rises to show you compassion. For the Lord is a God of Justice. Blessed are all who wait for Him.
Our Father in Heaven earnestly  wait and look for us, expecting us to come close to Him so that He can bless us and show us His compassion. He is expecting an opportunity to be good to each of us and to be gracious to us. Therefore He lift Himself up so that we may have mercy and kindness from Him. And He is waiting for us to expect Him and wait for Him always.

God is good, there is no place to deep where the grace of our Father cannot reach, there is no place too dark where the grace of our Father cannot light up, there is no place too far where the grace of our Father cannot touch. He is generous, merciful, compassionate and longs for us to come to Him

I give thanks to my Father for leading me out from the dark phase of my life. I am blessed that, it is He who makes me lean on Him in my trouble days, and let me to take rest in Him. I am glad that i have come out from the way i once use to be and I am no longer the swallow spiritual i once used to be.
Once again today I stand a witness for His wonderful promises He has given me in His word. He multiply all whatever i have given Him. Than include my small faith, trust, love.
He have given me a new heart for my broken heart with a joyous joy a heart can hold. He has given me an amazing peace and put my unhealthy emotions to rest. He multiply every little money i have given to Him by returning much much more than I expected.

He has given me His eternally love and taught me the meaning of real relationship. I am really really blessed that i got to get His 'Expecting opportunity to bless'.

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