The Promise

by - June 23, 2014

Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4 This is the wonderful promise from my father for the commitment I have taken in Him as His daughter. The words gave me hope, strength and joy for my future. I was lost and heart broken, but when I search His face, His grace reach me, His eternal love fill my heart and He gave me a new person. Today I am the blessed daughter of the heavenly Father. I am the princes of the most high King.
The Stone Collective is a community making much of Jesus as we create art, photography, prose, poems or music that commemorate the wonderful things God does in our life. Based on the passage in 1 Samuel 7:12-14, each month we will collect Ebenezer Stones as a regular practice in the art of worship via our creativity.  Want to join in on The Stone Collective? 
Create your own Stone and link up to LIVE IT OUT! Blog. #TheStoneCollective

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