by - March 03, 2016

Didn't I tell you this, that my Father has a bigger and better plan for my life. His way are much higher and always perfect and it will be done as He said so. Isaiah 55: 9-11
 Today 11/03/16 I stand in awe before the highest throne of my Heavenly Father whose faithfulness in ever unending. Whose promise always comes through at the right time.
I have no words but I am so humbled and I felt flat on my knees for His goodness in my life. Today is a big day for me. And I shall remember the way God send this man in my life. The second next perfect proposal after Jesus's proposal.
I somehow knew that this is happening in my life and I have prayed about it too. Even then God surprises are always full of ecstasy.  I am thrilled and I look forward to walk hand in hand with this man following Jesus who is the perfector of everything.

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