In the Midst of brokeness

by - March 22, 2016

In the midst of brokenness, a light shines through. A voice calling her name and giving new hope for love and relationship. A light letting her see who she is and for whom she is meant to be. A voice consoling her and comforting her every pain and hurt. A light healing every broken pieces of her broken heart and reviving her to love again.

Just like every girl, I fall in love,  involved in relationship which many defined as very sweet and romantic. Have my heart  broken and have been through all the life's bitter experience faced by every broken heart girl.
I have gone through so much pain, been so much broken, and have been so hurt in all the relationship I had in the past.

I never ever, even in my wildest dream dreamt that a broken heart will hurt so much, and that it could be this painful. I never care that some who wanted me so much will leave me. I  never ever get even a slightest lining in my mind that someone whom I know loves me will for whatever and whatever reasons it is, shut me out from his life.

I never thought I will be left heart broken and unwanted and unloved. Yet there I was.

But this brokenness, this unwanted, this unloved lead me to someone who was always and is always there for me. He has loved me as I am before I even knew him. He has been watching me since I am a small girl. He has been looking forward to a relationship with me before I even knew about relationship. He has been loving me since he came to know about me and heard my name.

He is the Light and the Voice and His name is Jesus.

He is Love and His love is free, unconditionally.
The day I accepted His love, I knew right there in my heart and my every cells in me knew it that it will never ever go away. He will never leave me broken and will never ever dumb me. I knew it right in there that, this is it and I can never think of the broken experience and get scare. I knew it right in there that I have found the the who will love me eternally.

I was found by Him to be heal and love.

In the midst of pain and healing, in the midst of brokenness and and new found love, in the midst of lost and found, He taught me much more than I imagine that I can ever learn, much more than I can ever felt, much more than I can ever give.

In the midst of brokenness, He gave me His joy and taught me how to be joyful-John 17:13 But now I am coming to You; and I say these things [while I am still] in the world so that they may experience My joy made full and complete and perfect within them [filling their hearts with My delight].
In the midst of brokenness, he gave me His peace and taught me how to be still -John 14:27. "Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."
In the midst of brokenness, he gave me hope and taught me how to trust in him - Jeremiah 29:11. "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

He shapes my faith, strengthen me to focus in Him, depend on Him and in Him alone. He help me to recognise His provision and protection, and drives me deep into His word which is the life line of His voice when I am searching for answers and comfort. He help me to recognise the beauty of God.
He help me learn to love and reach out to those who are suffering.
And one of the greatest is I learn is how to love my mom dearly and more deeply. He let me feel the pain and loneliness my mother have gone through when my father left us. He show me how I can give her love and company today and always. Though she is the strongest women I ever know, inside her I know she carry the scars and she need love and respect from me. I learnt she needs me.

God help me to reach out to my friend who are going through pain and suffering in their life. He help me to understand their feelings and emotions to help them out in whatever way I can.

Through all this God taught me what suffering is, and that He is calling me to know and believe He is enough.

Sometimes all God is calling us to do is trust in Him in pain, and with the pain. He is worthy of our trust. God promises not to give more than we can endure. Jesus calls " Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you I'll find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." Matthew 1:28-30

Yes, our God is God who redeems the messes we’ve made of our lives. He accepts the broken heart and paved theses path with heartache the best thing for you and me.
God loves us so much. I have found a place for my heart and love to swing along with the best love a heart can give because of His Love.

I’m grateful for His unconditional Love because of which I can still love freely and deeply even though life different phases has torn my heart asunder a thousands time.
I know how to love because He first loved me.

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