He Understands

by - March 22, 2016

God understands every complicate things and emotions knows how to help you on those thoughts and feelings. There are so many unhealthy emotions all of us goes through in life. There are unspoken needs, there are unexplainable feelings and inexpressible thoughts.
Many time we run to our friends with whom we think they will understand, they can help us and support. But the best support and complete understanding for our problems is God. It is better to put our trust in the Lord then to trust in man. Psalm 118:8
And there are times we just couldn't share because of so and so reason. There are things which we find hard to share even between husband and wife, even between closest friends because it's complicate and we have the feelings they won't understand.
God is concerned with even the slightest clue in our life. He is the only God with whom we can just let him do what it is required to make us feel good for every unhealthy emotions, the inexpressible thoughts which trouble us, the negatives feelings and all complicate emotions. He is there for us and He understand all.
Psalms 140:7 He is the strength of our salvation and He covered our head during the day of battle.

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