To my readers

by - April 06, 2016

Dear readers,

Thank you for visiting my humble blog. I am so blessed to see the feedjit which is kept to alert me about your visits. I am not a good writer but I pray that God will touch your heart through the testimony I shared in this blog. I bless you in the name of Jesus for REVELATION of His love, joy, peace and hope for every day of your life. I praise my Saviour Lord Jesus for leading you to this blog. Please keep visiting and feel free to write to me for prayers or anything. Love you.

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  1. The Moabites, meanwhile, founded their capital city as Kir of Moab, which records indicate was on the site of present-day Karak. Cheap Jordan Shoes,rrhc kingdom was south of Ammon and stretched from the Dead Sea and the southern section of the Jordan River across often mountainous terrain to the Arabian Desert. Mount Nebo, famous according to Jewish and Christian thinking as being the burial place of the Hebrew prophet Moses, lay in the kingdoms territory.

    Although little is really known about the Moabites, with only biblical stories and archaeological remains giving a clue to their lifestyle, it is considered accurate that they shared common descent with their Israelite neighbours through the line of Terah, Jordans Shoes,a biblical character from the Book of Genesis. Moab is believed to have had a period of Israeli rule, interspersed with times of independence, and out of the three kingdoms, Ammon, Moab and Edom, ranked as probably the richest through trading of its natural limestone and salt from the Dead Sea resources.

    Edom, the other major kingdom to have been founded around the start of the Iron Age, lay south of Moab. The Edomites, too, traded in their natural resources that probably included copper. It brought wealth to this strategic kingdom on the main trade caravan route from Egypt. Bozrah was its capital city. jordan releases,It is mentioned several times in the Hebrew Bible, including its destruction in Amos 1:12. The remains of Bozrah can be found at Bosayra.a few kilometres from the city of Tafila.

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