Good prevails and it will always be

by - October 27, 2016

Remember the story of Job? Wealthy man with sound business and principles.
“And the Lord said to Satan, ‘Behold, all that he is in your hand. Only against him do not stretch out your hand.”(Job 2:6)
As the story goes, Job loses all his possessions, he is now a mess. Literally, He's totally lost everything. His family. His possessions. His physical body is in excruciating pain and suffering.

Job’s wife and friends are not much help either. Those faithful to him once seem to be turning against him. How would we like our spouse to tell us to “Curse God and die”?
We could probably die of depression if our spouse or family members react to us like that when we are down with suffering and miserable sickness.

The Bible describe Job as 'faithful man' 'righteous man of God' 'a man with whom God is please with'. But why did bad things happen to good man? Why did God allow the evil to touch the righteous individual?
It addresses a fundamental question we all might be prone to ask from time to time: why do bad things happen to good people?
Many of us are intrigued by similar question when we see good people suffering.
How could such a tragedy happen? And where was God this whole time? We complaint why it happens?

Today I would like to emphasize that, do we likewise give a chance and raise our eyebrows to ask about all the good things which had happened in this good person's life!!!
Are we remembering that 'Good things' too exist in his lifetime, and he was blessed with many wonderful blessings. We say 'God is good', but when problem knock at our door, we tend to forget why we say 'God is good'.

When we look back in our life and think of all the blessings God has given us, do you think we are worthy enough to receive all those blessings? Are we deserving it?
Are we worth enough to be counted as 'Good individual' to receive all the blessings?
Do we ever ask ourselves that question!!

A friend of mine posted on her Facebook status, 'Why do good things happen to bad Person like me'?

There were times when I complain to God that I am not getting what I want ain't what I deserve and that I don't think he is being fair. But friends, if we acquire what we want and deserved, we would be dead right now. God is so good, really good that He bless us immensely without putting any conditions. He makes us righteous, He choose us to be His inheritance and His own despite our sinfulness.

How could something so wondrous and marvelous as grace, mercy, love and so much blessings be given to someone like us.

For those who are suffering, His grace and mercy follows us and He is constantly there. Though the path may be rough and not pleasant now, remember He is there helping us through. Deuteronomy 32:10 says "In a desert land he found him, in a barren and howling waste. He shielded him and cared for him; he guarded him as the apple of his eye."

The pain and agony we go through today will bring joy in the days to come. James 1:2-3. "Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness." There are so many ups and downs we go through in life. Every trouble and difficult phase we go through today will pass and our tomorrow is destined for greater joy and peace and blessing through Jesus Christ. The pain our friends is going through today has a part being involved to bring out God's glory in their life, because God is there working on us all the time.

I have personally learned how troubles and pain have brought me nearer to God. I am a witness of how suffering and broken-heart of life have refined me to be a  stronger believer and a better person. When I look back now, I counted those phases as a restoration phase of who I am in Christ. I do not deserve to be carried through by the grace of God from that phase. I do not deserve to be strengthened each day with new hope for the joy and peace in my future of which I'm enjoying today. I do not deserve to be embraced and loved by His goodness, nevertheless He was there, always there beside me. Helping me see the plan He have for me, helping me walk through the phase so that I could step into the new life He has prepared for me. I deserved to be left alone torn into pieces, but He did not give what I deserved.

The word of God has taught us to rejoice always no matter what circumstances we go through, that doesn't mean we are to accept the pain we are going through, but to learn to enjoy the presence of God and rest upon Him. To trust in Him instead of questioning and be hopeful instead of complaining.
Because God grace, mercy, love and his blessing never leave us and is always there to carry us through.
Furthermore, we need to look at the world with good conscious perspective. One Sunday as I was secretly complaining why only a few people turn up to church, a Sunday school kid share in our praise point sharing session that he is thankful to God for new members in the church. This small boy prick my secret complain and remind me to be grateful. And help me to see how God is building each individual person which is the church and not the number of people in the church building. There may be many problems we experienced, there may be people suffering around us, there may be innocent dying in the world, there may be pain and sickness in our family circle, there may be financial burden loaded in your life, there may be friends putting you down, there may be an overwhelming battle in your mind........ Let's look at the sun shining brightly, the clear blue sky, His new grace every day, and His everlasting love which remains no matter, we feel or not, because His peace prevails and His presence is forever.
God controls everything and His goodness will rule the whole world one day. To all of us who believe in the power of the victory of Christ, we are already more than conqueror because of Jesus Christ.

When our views are more conscious of God's goodness in our life and in everything, His joy, peace and His goodness will prevail the pain suffering and sickness of this world. When we are more conscious of his love we will be more blessed and will experience the power to enjoy the abundant life He bestowed us. And let everything we say or do point toward Jesus Christ, who is the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God Hebrew 12:2." 

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