My Ideal Man

by - February 09, 2017

He should be a good cook and love to cook, he should be financially sound and good at managing, he should love to give me foot massage and head  as well 💆, he should love clean and tidy house, he should have good friends circle, he should have hygienic habit and smells good. He should have good sense of humour, he should love to pamper me with my favourite flowers and chocolate, he should love to impress my friends and my family, he should be romantic and funny and....... and the list goes one.
Girls, does the list include someone who loved God, who loves to pray, who loves you both spiritually and emotionally. If this is not there on 'The List' you have a very high chance to miss the ideal man God has made for you. You might end up in the wrong bus with the wrong person.
As a daughter of the Heavenly Father, the ideal man He made for you and me is someone who points us to Him.
What matters is not what he have in his account, or it's not his friends circle, nor how he presented himself.....What matters is how strong is the relationship he have with His personal Saviour.

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