A Sweet dream.

by - September 14, 2010

I was on my way back home from the office, dull and a little tired. One of my best friends call me and said he is sick and kind of missing me situation. It was nice of him to remember me which shows that he misses the way I care about him and yes I really do care for him as and went needed.

Hey, you know what!


I dreamt about him last night. It was once again a sweet dream, he was with me and he kissed me. I was confused about whether I should respond to him back or not, though I like the kiss, I have this feeling in my mind "what if?"
Suddenly my eyes open and I was like oh my goodness!!! I change my position and again fall asleep. He came and took me to a place where many of his friends were there. He was there always trying to stay close to me. I feel good and happy. Wake up in the morning missing the time I spent with him. I realized I didn't see her with him this time. :-p Its a beautiful day today, get myself prepare for work, have breakfast and reach office at 9:10 am. :-)

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