Fall in love with a man....

by - November 24, 2015

‘The biggest mistake you can ever make is to marry someone who doesn't love Jesus. Don't even give a man like that your attention. The first thing you need to love about him is how much he loves the LORD.'

Fall in love with a man who loves Jesus above all else. Fall in love with a man who is desperately in love with his Savior before he even knows of your existence. Fall in love with a man who is not ashamed of the Gospel, not ashamed of his love for the LORD, not ashamed to make a public display regarding his love for the truth and for salvation.

Fall in love with a man who knows that God is the best foundation for a relationship - because not only is He the strongest, but He is also the Author of all love stories and your relationship should be a testimony of His grace and forgiveness.

And how will his relationship with God affect you?

He will treat you as the daughter of God that you are. He will respect you. He will pursue you. He will treasure you. He will worship God with you. He will pray with you and for you. He will walk beside you during the best and worst moments of your life. He will be honest with you. He will take the leadership role in the relationship. He will help you in keeping your purity, maintaining your standards, sticking to your boundaries.

He will not lead you astray. He will not pressure you. He will not control you. He will not challenge your standards and boundaries. He will not force you into doing anything. He will not seek to pleasure himself. He will never interfere with your relationship with God. He will always try to give you his best and bring out your best to God and to the family. He will be the best husband and father as you also learn from him to be the best wife and best mother.

And if you and he are both actively seeking the LORD as individuals, your relationship will blossom and flourish with your pursuit of His will for you and your lives.

If you are a woman like me waiting for the man of your life, pursues God's own heart as you wait and keep this constant reminder till the day God send him in your life.

What really matters is that if he loves the LORD, he will love you the best through the love he receives from God.

And that is something you and I will never regret.

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  1. Thank you for the beautiful words. Its amazing that we serve a living God and who plan and bless our life.


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