2016 for Jesus, Love, Joy and for His glory

by - January 17, 2016

Thanking God for His love and grace in my life because of which only I'm able to say I am saved, I am the daughter of the Heavenly Father.
I want to encourage you to LOVE Jesus LOUD. And let's encourage each other in His righteousness.
It is Shocking and sad that the wrong teaching of faith and Christianity is spreading and we, those with the truth are sitting quietly. I recently came across few group of young girls talking to people on the street about the Second coming of Jesus and the chosen people of God who will be taken up to Gods kingdom. There teaching was not base on faith and grace but it was more about how following their denomination and practicing their religion that will make you one of the chosen people of God.
The love of God is not for a particular denomination or religion. It is for the whole world. And God's people are those who have the faith of believing in Jesus Christ, that He is the son of God, and He died for our sins and rose again from death giving us victory and eternal life over death. It is because of God's grace that you and I are believer of Jesus Christ. It is not because we are born Christian, it is not because we practice the right denomination of Christianity. It is neither by work or practice nor by any thing except His Grace and our Faith that make us the chosen one.
Let us stand up for Jesus boldly this year and May the Holy Spirit revive everyone of us in God's truth.
My new year resolution last year, was to love him with all my heart and my soul and my mind, bring family closer and to give back my thanks and ten tithes. I fail him many times, i failed miserably in putting Him first, I always failed and I've been knocked down many times but I know in my heart I'm not knock out because of His Grace and this year I am going to start again with the same resolution.
My friend, I'm sure many of us too has same resolution like mine. Let's start again this year, it's never too late. We all failed in our spiritual attempt every now and then but because of God's grace, our attempt to get back never end with Him. Let us look into the Book of Luke, When Jesus was having last supper with His disciples, he told them about his betrayal. Peter was bragging 'Jesus I will never betray you, I will always be by your side ..... ' but during the actual times he fail Him, he deny Jesus three times.
I am reminding this story because Jesus did not say 'The End' to Peter during those failure but He sent for Him. Luke 16:7 the Angel said -Go tell His disciple and Peter.  And later he also made special appearance to Peter.
“It is true! The Lord has risen and has appeared to Simon” (Luke 24:34). 
“He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, and that he appeared to Peter, and then to the Twelve” (1 Corinthians 15:4-5).

This is how Jesus love is. And this is what we call amazing grace. I would like to encourage you to seek His grace and commit your resolution again if you are 'Peter like' follower of Jesus Christ. For all those whose resolution is different, remember  the verse Mathew 6:33 seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all this things shall be added unto you. ALL THIS THINGS include our new year resolution too. Put Jesus first and let Him do him work in our life as He promised.

Lastly I want to share a verse I love a lot. John 17:13 But now I am coming to You; and I say these things [while I am still] in the world so that they may experience My joy made full and complete and perfect within them [filling their hearts with My delight].
Jesus prayed that it's His will for us that we should have True Joy He want us to be overflowing with Joy. I'm sure everyone wants to have a joyful year. Let's us grab the Joy Jesus want you and me to have. Let's all remember true Joy is Christ centred. And if you have Him first and put prioritise Him in everything His Joy in you will overflow.
Let us be joyful and shine for Jesus this new year 2016.

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