by - January 18, 2016

God already knows what we need but we ought to pray because it expresses our trust in Him and it is a means by which our trust in Him can increase. He wants us to remember that we are His creature and He is our only creator, we are entirely to depend on Him otherwise we will be lost.
Prayer request should not be casual but be persistant and tenacious. Prayers accomplish much more than we can gauge(measure) with our five senses. It is the destiny of every beliver to release the power of God through simple prayers. We must not stop asking and thanking God for the answers to our prayers until we see them with our eye. Earnest prayer comes from a heart that is engage with God. Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain,  and it did not rain. James 5: 16-17
Prayer is far more difficult if we seek to live one part of our lives as if it belonged to God and another part as if it belonged to us. Prayer is not substitute for obedience. Walking in obedience is not about seeking to earn the answers to our prayers; it is about living in agreement with the word of God. As we grow in prayer, our capacity to see God's beauty increases. Prayer is emmersion in beauty, God's beauty. Talking to Him regularly allows us to see His beauty in many places. Prayer changes you. It changes those who are around you. We should confess our trespasses to one another and pray for one another, that we may be heal(James 5:16).
Pray in faith, knowing that God whose heart burns with passion for us, really does desire to bless us(Luke 11:11-13).
We may state our request boldly before God's throne, knowing that He has made a way for us to stand there(Heb 10:19)

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